
5 Chrome Extensions To Take Your Job Search To The Next Level

If you’re in the middle or just starting out on a job search, check out these five Chrome extensions to take your search to the next level.

1. Discoverly

Discoverly will tell you if you have mutual Facebook friends with your LinkedIn contacts and will show you your Facebook friends’ work info. Very useful stuff.

2. Connect6

Currently in beta, Connect6 People Discovery gives you rich, online profile details across many sites, and you don’t have to click through to get it (you just hover over the 6 icon to access the information).

3. Connectifier

Connectifier, free to use for now, reveals more places that your contacts hang out, more details, and links to his or her blog. It doesn’t yet work with Facebook, so use it with Connect6 and Discoverly to make sure you get all the info you need.

4. Leaf

Leaf gives you rich data on Twitter users, such as how often he or she tweets, hashtags used, Klout score, etc. And, it’s going to become even more useful with upcoming improvements, such as insights into LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook and Instagram, so stay tuned.

5. Buffer

Buffer’s Chrome extension isn’t for researching others, but for scheduling posts and sharing content of your own so you can promote yourself and build your reputation. It’s very useful and saves you a lot of time.

Check out the full article on these extensions, complete with examples, by the insightful Katrina Collier in The Muse at the link below.


Greiner Consulting Group

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