
Relationships are Your Career Currency

In a job search, your relationships will prove to be one of the key factors in making a successful transition. Many people report that they landed a new position through the direct or indirect efforts of a person in their network.

So, how do you begin? How do you build your network of relationships?

A truly powerful network takes many years to mature so the sooner you start, the better your network will be. Start with easy connections and reconnections: your friends, family members, school alumni and former work colleagues. Do you have a profile on LinkedIn? Are you are connected to these people on LinkedIn? If you use Facebook, do a crosscheck to ensure that your Facebook friends are also your connections on LinkedIn. Once you’ve assessed who you know, determine the order in which you will reach out to people and relatedly, decide how many coffees/lunches/drinks you can add to your calendar over the course of the week or month. Email people directly, or through LinkedIn/Facebook, and initiate meetings or schedule a call.

Keep in mind that networking is about growing your relationships and growth requires time.

Greiner Consulting Group

Greiner Consulting Group

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